HomeLifestyle10 Landscaping Hacks That Save Time and Money
10 Landscaping Hacks That Save Time and Money 10 Landscaping Hacks That Save Time and Money

10 Landscaping Hacks That Save Time and Money

Ahhhhh summer! The time of year we descend outdoors in the front or backyard for eating and recreating. If you like to dine on the deck or play a game of croquet on the lawn, a lush, green even lawn makes all the difference. There are many ways to create a lush, beautiful lawn, but for those looking for shortcuts, here are ten landscaping hacks that save time and money:

1. Leave your grass clippings on the ground
The process of leaving the grass clippings is important as it ensures that a thick layer of mulch is produced. It will help prevent weeds and can be used as compost for the garden.

2. Use baking soda to fix soil
Baking soda is a great substitute for expensive soil additives. It contains natural lime and potassium, which help to keep the pH balance of the soil correct.

3. Fertilize and mulch frequently
Mulch and fertilizer is a good way to ensure that the grass can survive. This is because they allow sunlight to penetrate the lawn, which increases photosynthesis, and then helps in fixing nitrogen in the ground, which encourages root growth. The benefit of mulching is that it also helps in decomposing the leaf pile, and provides a great habitat for beneficial insects.

4. Mow high and regularly
The process of mowing at an upright angle helps to prevent people from walking on the lawn. When mowing is low and irregular, grass may develop thin spots which encourage pests like ants and ticks.

5. Aerate your lawn and utilize ground cover
Aerating the lawn is the best way to increase the water and oxygen flow to the root zone. This process allows for better growth by improving how the roots get their food and water. The presence of ground cover ensures that the grass is surrounded by a living environment that will help prevent pests.

6. Install a rain barrel
Rain barrels are great to collect rainwater to make use of it later. It can be used as water for the plants on your property, or even for watering any plants that you may have indoors.

7. Plant more trees
Planting more trees can be a good way to ensure that the tree is healthy. This is because it will provide them with plenty of food and water, which it can then use to make new roots. Also, trees are great because they help in balancing out the temperatures of the lawn. Watering early is important in ensuring the plants grow faster and gain sufficient nutrients.

8. Consider green yard lawn care
The lawns in your lawn that get plenty of light and water will likely be green. It’s good to move away from synthetic chemicals to keep the grass healthy. A great alternative is fertilizers and herbicides that are made by natural compounds rather than harmful chemicals.

9. Install leaf glove gutter protection
This is a good system that is used on gutters to prevent leaves from clogging them up. It can also be used to protect your landscaping from falling dry leaf debris and water spouts.

10. Water early
Water early in the day and often to ensure that your plants are getting the right amount of water and that the soil is draining properly.

For the above hacks to be complete, control weeds by searching online for “ lawn spraying companies near me”. By searching online for a “yard service in my area”, you will be able to gain valuable insight and tips on landscaping that can save time and money.


